I am Regina Helena and I was born in Portugal in the region of the Douro valleys. I don't have any Portuguese accent because I was raised in Rio de Janeiro and have always lived in this city. I am a journalist, but I work in the area of Education. I have already worked as an editor and writer of academic books and currently I teach English. Because of my jobs in Language Teaching, I got a Master's degree in Applied Linguists and my research was on translation for dubbing, a truly interesting subject. So, you see, I don't work with traveling. I work TO travel, and to pay my bills, of course. I am a travel lover, there is no other thing that gives me more pleasure than exploring new places, aside from staying with my family and seeing them all healthy and happy.

My passion for traveling began with my first international trip to Orlando and Miami. I was enchanted. My surroundings looked like magic: new culture, new people, new language, new sights. At that moment, I knew what I wanted for the rest of my life: traveling the world. It is definitely not ea$y to afford a desire like that (at least not for me), but that's OK, I don't get depressed when I can't travel. Haha! I'm lying. Of course I do. Being addicted to traveling, I do get the blues when I can't travel, whatever the problem is. But, seriously speaking now, I do not put any pressure on myself to increase the number of stamps on my passport so that I can add a new country to my list. The motto I created for my life is "to travel as much as possible, whenever possible, IF possible".      

Besides traveling, my major hobby is writing for my blogs. Now I say in the plural, but my only blog was Travel Experiences (2008), which was born to tell of my experiences in the different cities around the world. What else could be more pleasant than sharing my great moments with a lot of people? Plus, it is a way of making my trips always remembered through my photos and writing. 

I am married and I don't have children. My husband approves of all the destinations I choose and leaves all the traveling job to me. He knows I like to take care of everything; besides, he doesn't have much patience for that. When we arrive in a city, he only asks me: where do we go now? And continues with the same question every day until we come back. A lot of trust on me, don't you think? He accepts everything (rarely disagrees), but mutters a lot (I said "a lot") when he is hungry and I give him the impression that I don't want to stop our sightseeing to look for a place to eat.   

What else could I say about myself? Perhaps about my second hobby nowadays: studying French. And needless to say that being a journalist, I love to write. Nice to meet you!

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